Selasa, 04 Desember 2018

Latest CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7

Latest CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7

The latest version of Rillis, after that time CorelDraw released its first X7 version in the CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X7 version now this product from Corel provides the latest version of Tan update for CorelDraw to improve the comfort and the latest features with the real version Product CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 The latest.

For those of us lovers of Vector-based Design, of course very looking forward to this sophisticated and very popular Software.

After the previous version of CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X7, now Corel Corps Series Update version with a newer system and features that are sophisticated, namely CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 Latest.

System Requirement
  • Microsoft Windows 10 8/8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit editions), Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit editions), all with latest service packs installed
  • Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 1 GB hard disk space (for installation without content)
  • 1280 x 768 screen resolution

Install Steps (Important !! Disconnect Internet Connection)
  1. Steps to Install and Activate Just like the previous version of CorelDraw
  2. Install CorelDraw (Run as administrator), If the Block Appears (yellow), in Click, select Allow Block
  3. For Activation, please see the following process
  4. After Installing, Please Install the Update
  5. Download link Update to version X7 There is under "Update offline without Account"

  6. Important again !! , when running Keygen (before Activation Corel Done, Don't Close / Exit keygen, because it will affect activation)
  7. Make sure the serial format is (xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx) there is a sign (-)
  8. do it carefully. Ok
  9. Finish, enjoy it.
  10. To avoid serial blocking, do not run Corel when you are connected to the Internet or give a firewall.

Langkah Install ( Penting !!Putuskan Koneksi Internet Berrooo )

Langkah Install dan Aktivasi Sama seperti CorelDraw versi versi sebelumnya
  1. Install CorelDraw ( Run as administrator ), Apabila Muncul Block ( kuning ), di Klik, pilih Allow Block
  2. Untuk Aktivasi, Silahkan lihat proses berikut 

  3. Setelah Selesai Install, Silahkan Install Update nya
  4. Link download Update ke versi  X7 Ada di bawah ” Update offline tanpa Account”

  5. Penting lagi !! , saat menjalankan Keygen ( sebelum Aktivasi Corel Selesai, Jangan Menutup/Exit keygen, karena akan mempengaruhi aktivasi )
  6. Pastikan Format serial nya ( xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxxx ) ada tanda ( – )
  7. lakukan Dengan teliti. Ok
  8. Selesai, enjoy.
  9. Untuk menghindari Blockir Serial,  Jangan menjalankan Corel Saat sedang terkoneksi Internet atau Berikan Firewall


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Latest CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7
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